Malenga Mental Model: A Successful Thinking Model to Learn


The World is seen into two eyes perspective; one is to see from external events and deciding from internal perceptions, knowledge, experiences, belief, wisdom and skills towards life situations and challenges and the second eye is deeper on seeing the inner things of things. This is a part that see things from inside out and this is one of powerful tool most great people in different fields use in their daily activities and taking right risks and opportunities. This second part is not easily attained for most people more rather than people who have student mindset towards life.

Mental model is a tool and system to use to see opportunities and take advantage in life in shortening the path to mastery and success. It is a set of one’s thought process on how an individual understands deeper works of nature on how things work and interconnect one another as things in a one system. Seeing in this perspective needs a lot of continuous training and following instructions. Mastering this way of thinking is a leverage in life as other leverages like technology that make life easier.

In knowing this early as a tool. There are benefits in how you will start seeing abundance in every area in life. This way of thinking will allow you to see possibilities in every situation in life as an opportunity that is ready to open the doors for insights, ideas, innovations and creativity. Model is a like a shortcut program installed to your mind on seeing things in their inner side and this gives you an extra mile step to go.

Malenga Mental Model is coined model from Malenga wa Ubena poetic understanding for more than 10 years of his experience in Swahili poems writing. This model based on how in a poetic perspective perceiving this world to opportunities consciousness in full endless pattern. As in composing poem verses just only you need to have wide view of things in deeper pictures and only available alphabets and letters are the one to be used in a wonderful fashion. As other masters of mental models like Charlie Munger also this model has a wide perspective on seeing things in 5 components.

Opportunities or abundance consciousness is one component to be aware from now and the last of your life. The World is full of opportunities and is just to be conscious about it. And you are only limiting yourself to see abundance from seeing scarcity in your ways of thinking. Your ability to think and reasoning is your opportunity to endless ways towards endless imagination. You can imagine things that will make you fear yourself but have powerful effects when they are acted upon in action based life. Your abilities, potentials, gifts, people around you are all opportunities to open doors for you. Just take a step to act from now. 

Solutions thinking culture is another second component that opens inspiration and motivations when you see how people feel when their problems are solved. From ages to ages people suffer from varieties of problems from internal to external problems. In this sense there is an open platform to offer solutions. “Whenever there is a problem there is an opportunity for you to offer solutions. And when you give solutions you create value. And money is a reward after giving value to people’s lives”. Just go and be a solution creator.

Building networks with right people is a powerful thing more than money and this comes after other two you have mastered in your life. When you take an opportunity to live well with people in creating value chains it gives a way for people wants you to be in their circles. “People networks are powerful tool and connect us in a miraculous patterns. Use of mentors, coaches, trainers, experts, elders can shorten the way to success”. Every day when you wake up think about building good networks with people in many possible ways such as attending seminars, classes, social medias, volunteering works, meetings, symposiums, emails and many more.

Volunteering, altruism, internship and philanthropy is another component of Malenga Mental Model on how is beautiful to make a difference in the community through volunteering, being altruistic and pure philanthropist. There is something even little to share to the world to make it be a better place to live. Through talents, gifts, potentials, smiles, money, skills, giving can add something of value to the humanity. Just little contribution can make a huge impact that will be a living legacy. “Our lives will be meaningless if we only think for ourselves. Through giving our time, smiles, money, skills, talents to help others is what make life beautiful. Through cultivating volunteerism, altruism and philanthropy spirit can be a tool to touch people’s lives”

Technology (internet) is exponential component.  We see on how one post can go viral to social media in minute. We see how things can turn worse and good paradoxically in minute through mobile technology and we see how easily accessible to information overload in this era and future. This is how technology as a powerful exponential tool that can impact the community in short duration of time. “Mobile technology is growing fast and worse and good paradoxically is growing exponentially. Mobile technology is a tool nowadays to connect people in a minute. Through this can help to make a room to impact exponentially for a better future to humanity”. Technology is a pillar to make all other four components of Malenga Mental models to be complete set of impact to the community.

As other disciplines take time to master also this model needs a lot of dedications and show up on how all five components to be in one system of thinking (system thinking). As we to develop second eye on seeing things in their atomic size, this model will amaze you as you never stop to self-discipline and test the experience. This model can be installed to systems from schools, family, governance, community and individual to massive impact to the World.

This is a special article from a friend of mine here is his address.


+255 676 559 211

Dr. Raymond N Mgeni



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