Living for yourself

Living for yourself

Have you ever sat down and ask yourself, whether you ever learnt and why you keep making same mistakes? Huh Have you ever felt like you want to stop what you’re doing and start over? But you end up finding yourself in old position over and over again . Have you ever felt like what you were doing was a starting point to get where you wanted to be but finally you’re still the same. It seems like the universe is your enemy, you keep asking yourself why you don’t move forward and be successful as you have dreamt along ago.
Whoever wants, no matter where, when, or for what you’re always there, but when it comes for you, it’s always bad timing when you need help none is there for you. You sometimes blame yourself and hate your life cause it seems like you’re living the hell on earth. You sometimes ask yourself why they say that earth is rotating or moving around while for you it seems like you’re stick at one point, You’re having same routine over and over again nothing new you ever tried that succeeded.
I know you’ve been in more than this but here is why it has been like that! You never lived this life for yourself, you always live for the others right! Huh You always want to be perfect sister/brother, perfect wife/husband, perfect daughter/son, perfect boyfriend/girlfriend, perfect friend.………. . Cause you think that you were born to serve!
May be you don’t understand this like i do let me give you an example: you’ve something deep down in your heart that you genuinely like and need to do but may be you’re in law school because your parents are paying for it or anyone else whom you don’t want to deceive. May be you want to be a musician or movie actor but you are in science school because your father told you so. You’re burying your brain in med-school while you want to be a fashionista, only because you have an uncle who is a doctor and your whole family want you to be like him. Or may be it is worse than this but it is that way!
But if you wish you can end this today Start living for youself
Jay Shetty once said it’s never to late to quit and start over. In my point of view i think there is no remarkable start over than starting over to what you like. Do things today that makes the younger you proud and that will bring peace to you on your death bed.


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