Love reflection

Sometimes home is not a place but a person. Various things that connect people are two-way actions, when you are asking for it, you are giving it in return, Love is one of them. Love is the sweetest thing ever exist. The only thing that allows us to feel pain and experience it the way forth is love. Some people believe in meeting the right person at a right time, and others believe in meeting the one that will become perfect by time. It’s true in both ways but whatever you agree with, you need compromise and sacrifice. It will ask you to share your love languages, your value of love, your definitions of love and your ways to love.

Jim Stovall quoted that love is a treasure that we can never pay, the only way to keep it is to give it away. And it’s said that a heart without love it’s like a bird without the wings to fly. The most things in life are reflections of; who we are, the way we see things, or the way we make use of things, so in giving love away we’ll get it back in reflection way, unwind your wings, and love.

Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field, I will meet you there, said Rumi. True love never judges, it doesn’t love you for who you are, or what you have but for whom it becomes when around you, it’s a way far from what we imagine. It forgives, it has no doubts because it’ll say am nobody’s but yours. It’ll never ask you to do more to fit in, only to be you and that’s the field where you’ll meet it.
When you meet the one who is worth it you’ll know it from the inside. The one who will help you to discover your true face in a mirror of love and when there will be dusts on your mirror s/he still wipes it away, not to your face and make sure you see it clearly. s/he will be your secure attachment, someone you know you can get up in middle of the night and know s/he going to help you with whatever you want. In argument it won’t be one against another but both of you against the problem, it’ll no longer you on your own but both of you together. You will feel alive, safe, cared and most of all loved.

Human love is like sun; you can’t look at sun directly but you can look at its reflection into water. Love will give you its hand, and asks to take it, hold it and never let it go. Love will give you its heart and asks you to not break it. Love will tell you; you are all I want as love. In love-life if you find someone whom you will discover your vulnerabilities together, embrace your imperfections together and feel free to bare your soul. To love unconditionally, someone you look in eyes and read their minds as an open book and most of all inspires you to muse romance, share affinity and have intimacy, don’t let them go cause that’s hard to find. Love and let the excess of love take over, really love is the only place you’ll find closeness, familiarity, comradeship, companionship, friendliness, and mutual affection at the same time.


  1. Proud to have a sister like you go be great love

  2. Wow! I like the message for real!
    Keep it up and inspire more to have true love..!

  3. Courage ma Bestie ❤️ always proud of u! Keep it up Bla

  4. work hard n keep on hv inspiration girl

  5. Best message , thank u blandine for sharing with us this 🥰love is all, love u big and keep it up

  6. Can i just say that you are amazing?

  7. you are intelligent girl keep it up


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