love and family

There are those souls that never leave us, they are always there day in day out, looking out for us, loving us unconditionally , supporting us even in tiny detail of our daily lives. They hold our hands, heal our hearts and they are surely our family.

some people are born in wonderful families while others have to create them! Being a member of a family is a priceless privilege which cost nothing but love. said Jim Stovall.
There are friends whom we call family, because we love them. the idea of family is beyond measures because family is all about being related through love than it is through blood.

When your life is falling apart, and nothing seem to be okay, they show up and give you assurance that everything is gonna be okay while they’ve got no idea of  how it will work out. ain’t just to calm you down it’s love. When your mind is blowing and you don’t know what to say, they hold your hand and that holds your tears, it’s called showing up. We trust them with no doubt, their commitment is unquestionable though there were no vows, it’s like universe has chosen you for each other.

You share both childhood and adulthood memories, you can still sit down and laugh at stupid things you did after decades and it feels like yesterday, because there is that unbreakable bond between you, which anchors you at the same root.
Even though we don’t always see eye to eye and we barely tell them we love them they're major part of the best part of life, let us appreciate them, make them feel valued and most of all that we don’t need to know the other side of the world without them cause world with them is worth living in.


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